Wanna Come Inside My Head with Me? It's awfully scary in here...

Friday, January 7, 2011

Round & round we go...

 Great. Just made my Friday, not that weekends mean crappola around here, with kids anyway! Just got an email from MC's teachers... not good people, not good. Let's start this trip to I & C kingdom from the beginning of this curious development.
Both Mini's had checkups w/our PCP yesterday afternoon. Well... HT decides this is not to his liking, (not really surprised, he hates ANY veer off ROUTINE) & proceeds to throw magazines, books, & himself all over the floor of the doc's waiting room. This part is carpeted, so I was not freaking as I would usually. The waiting room is full & he is having a NUCLEAR MELTDOWN whilst re-arranging their seating areas. Shouting, "I wanna go HOME, NOW MOMMY!" We'd already been waiting since the docs were a little busy & behind. After pleading with him to calm himself & to stay 'seated' instead of sprawled on the floor, kicking.. I go ask how much longer, then can I reschedule? I know EVERYONE was staring, I mean.. that's what people do that are clueless & have no idea he has ASD. So we dip that popsicle stand... he then asks me, "Go to Burger King"? (Yeah, I suck, so what of it?  I treat them.. no bribe them to be good at the doc's & we'll go get a 'treat'. We do not eat out much at all).  I wanted to bang my head into the steering wheel! Uh, no Little Man.. you showed out, you wanted to go home.. we're going HOME!
So, on the 7 minute ride home, I ask MC for his report card, they came out yesterday. He did not get his because Jedidad picked him up early for the appointment (also found this out in teacher email).  So then, I look in rearview mirror & see him playing with a motorcycle that is not ours. I ask about it & get this as a reply, "I got it from the prize box, I made a 100 on my practice test in math." Huh... already suspicious, this has happened before with his non existent impulse control w/ADHD, Bipolar, & ODD issues.
So, this morning I email his HR teacher & ask my questions. Sure enough, in less than an hour, I have a reply. She asked him about the toy, it belongs to another classmate & he says he knew that, just wanted it & says, he didn't take the right medicine this morning. WHAT? I give him his meds, he took the right ones but yes, we are still 'tweaking" them. NOT an excuse Mommy's gonna accept. He knows right from wrong. Did I mention over the weekend he stuck his finger in hot sauce & proceeded to poke said finger in HT's eyeball? Oh yeah, that was a blast!

She then informs me he's gotten a STP report (stop, think, plan) from another of his teachers for yelling, multiple times during class & practice test. Why? It's Friday man, just go have a fun day.. you've done nothing all week, short week cause of Holidays! Gosh!

Mommy needs an island, not this Isle of Confusion... sand, sun & a pitcher of Mojitos - no drama. Yeah, that'll NEVER happen.. but it's my "happy place".

Peace out,
 The Queen

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